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The Hive Blog

Thoughts, stories & ideas

21 September 2016

Three Great Alternatives to Blogging

As we have detailed in our previous blog, blogging is a fantastic way to promote your brand as a knowledgeable company and an expert in your industry.

However, if you are not a keen writer, don’t have the time or feel you don’t have enough to write about, there are many alternatives that can help showcase your skills and expertise, attract potential visitors or tell your brand’s story.

Below are a few alternatives to blogging:


Video is a great way to create engaging content that is easy to digest, and you don’t have to be a video production specialists to utilises it. With YouTube, Vine and other video apps on social media, making and uploading videos is easier than ever - all you really need is a smartphone or camera, and a laptop or a computer. Basic editing software comes with most PCs and even on your phone, as well.

However, before you get excited and start making videos left right and centre, there are a few things you need to consider:

Would a video be relevant for your audience? Not everyone will want to watch a video, so make sure your audience will want

What content will you include in your website? There are many types of videos you can produce, from informational videos, humorous videos or bringing customer testimonials to life, it just depends on your business and how you want to be perceived by your audience.


If you are a user of the internet, then chances are you have come across at least one infographic.

An infographic (information graphic) is a graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge made to present information quickly and clearly. It has become popular in the past couple of years as they allow audiences to digest information easier, in an entertaining and engaging way. As they are more engaging and fun, individuals are more likely to share an infographic with their friends.

If you are good with design, then you can easily make one yourself, however if not you can call upon the services of a graphic designer or use free tools available on the web, such as or


According to Ipsos, images are the most shared type of media online, and HubSpot have stated that images attract 104% more comments than the average post. As humans, we also process images 60,000 times faster than plain text, so it is no surprise then to see image-based platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are rising in popularity.

Images provide a great platform for many businesses as it is easy to use and quick to upload and share via social media. Many businesses can create a story through their pictures and engage with new visitors. For example, a fashion company can upload outfit styled photos giving the user an insight to the style of the company and clothes available.

Images are easy to create, you only need a camera or smartphone with a good camera, and you don’t need much text to make them of value, most only need a title and a brief description. Images also get indexed by search engines, which is great for SEO.

So there you have it, three great alternatives to blogging. What’s better is you don’t have to use one or the other, you can take advantage of all three and blog at the same time. With a strategy and good management, you can create great content through all platforms listed to help create a better brand image and potentially reach more customers.


Having two main packages are what make the Hive a successful and well established coworking space here in Bude.
If your needs are different but really like the sound of our Hive then please get in touch to discuss.

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